Education and accessibility

Students with a diagnosis of Developmental Disorder and Learning Difficulty (TDDA) can develop activities related to music and education in the PPGArtes, through the Research Group Disorders of Development and Learning Difficulty, coordinated by professor Áureo de Freitas, in partnership with the Nucleus of Assistance to People with Specific Needs (NAPNE). The group investigates the learning and effects of music education on the behavior of students with this diagnosis and is formed by undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates in the areas of Music, Visual Arts, Literature, Pedagogy, Psychology and interested in research scientific basis. The same began in 2008, with four teams each focusing on the study on people with such diagnoses: TEA, ADHD, Dyslexia and Down Syndrome.

01 Research Group coordinated by professor of the PPGArts develops musical initiation activities for children with special needs.

02 Research Groups coordinated by professors of the PPGArts develop activities to rescue traditional knowledge (currently in the field of music).

01 Research Group coordinated by professor of the PPGArts develops activities to rescue knowledge of popular culture (currently in the field of performing arts).

Since 2015, PPGARTES has allocated quotas for indigenous people, blacks and people with special needs, in its annual selection document.



All professors of the PPGArtes are involved in the Professor Training Program (PARFOR / CAPES) in degree courses in visual arts, music, theater and dance in municipalities of the interior of the State, an attitude that is considered of utmost importance given the shortage of professors in those localities.