Among the actions of Program, it is worth mentioning its editorial policy, which has been maintained, as in previous years, notably with the publication of the proceedings of the Biennial Forum for Research in Arts, the Ethnomusicology Workshop and books with editorial commissions and authors of several IES national and foreign, forming partnerships and collaborations. In 2017, the Editorial Board of the PPGArtes finalized the publication of the fifth volume of Arteriais magazine, online program. On October 19, 2017  first copy of the printed edition of the journal Arteriais was released. As a result of the national insertion and collaboration with other HEIs, it is important to highlight the election of professors of this Program in scientific-editorial committees of several national publications / events, highlighting the Art Research Journal.

In 2017, PPGArtes promoted, supported and / or organized the following events: III Conference on Ethnomusicology; II Symposium Art and Thought: Globalization and the Challenges of the Human; 1st Convocation of Art Research; VII International Seminar on Amazonian Dramatization; 1st International Symposium on Inclusive Musical Education (SIMA); Workshop: The Ritual and Poetic Game of Elements - Robson Haderchpeck / June 20, 2017; PPGARTES / 2017 Academic Week; Round Table - Why Arts?; Launch of Arteriais printed magazine nº 01; VIII Biennial Forum of Research in Arts: Art How? Political Engagement or Aesthetic Function and the Fourth Day of Ethnomusicology. In 2018, Belém will receive the International Colloquium on Ethnocenology, to be held by PPGARTeS-UFPA and the VIII International Seminar on Amazonian Dramatization, May / 2018. 
PPGARTeS maintains regular self-evaluation strategies, with emphasis on internal seminars held annually, where professor accreditation and adjustments in the curriculum proposal of Program are discussed and deliberated (accreditation is a continuous flow). We emphasize that the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Accompaniment Program offered by the UFPA Research and Postgraduate Pro-Rectory has been of great importance, as academic support and consultancy, for the evolution of PPGARTES since 2012, counting on the follow-up / counseling of external ad hoc evaluators with extensive experience in evaluation at CAPES and CNPQ, has greatly contributed to the continuous and systematized evaluation, goal setting and improvement of intra and extra institutional actions. Undoubtedly, this action contributed greatly to the improvement of PPGArtes / UFPA.
In August 2017, 28 students and 24 PhD students enrolled, totalling 90 students enrolled in the academic courses, with no record of evasion so far. In the Professional Master's degree in Arts, the total enrollment is 14 students. The 18 incoming students in 2016 - already qualified - are completing the Course scheduled for July / 2018. The Selective Process 2018 will offer 30 places for masters and 23 places for doctorate posts. Program also offers post-doctoral internship (PNPD scholarship), with five internships completed by Dec / 2017, and one with completion in early 2019. 
The PPGArtes has met demand from contiguous states (particularly Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranhão and Piauí), as well as from other Brazilian states and neighboring countries. In 2013, Program adhered to the admission through the special selection processes of foreign students through PAEC / OEA and PEC-PG / CAPES / CNPQ, meeting the demands of Argentina, Mexico and Colombia. In 2014, there were 02 places filled, being a candidate from Mexico and one from Colombia, with entry to the Course in August 2014. In August of 2015, two new entrants, one from Uruguay and one from Mexico. In 2016, a student of Colombia and in 2017, a student of Venezuela, granting to these foreign students, scholarship of its quota available by CAPES, through the Pro-rectory of Research and Post-Graduation of UFPA. In 2018, two PAEC / OAS vacancies are already guaranteed (one for a Masters student from Colombia and one for a doctorate, student from Mexico).
Still in terms of internationalization, Program maintains a constant exchange with important intellectual centers of the national and international scenario, for the establishment of institutional partnerships, like 02 projects contemplated by the PACI / 2017 Announcement (PROINTER / PROPESP).
In 2018, the announcement of the selection process includes 02 (two) slots to suit the technical cooperation agreement No. 001/2018 between the Federal University of Pará – UFPA and Federal Institution of Education, Science and Tecnology of the State of Amapá (IFAP)/Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP), aimed at training of masters and doctors of the two institutions. Until December 2017, the Master's in Arts has graduated 187 masters, including professors of all levels of education, artists and employees of various cultural institutions, both public and private.


Publications in Annals

In 2017, PPGArtes promoted, supported and / or organized the following events: III Conference on Ethnomusicology; II Symposium Art and Thought: Globalization and the Challenges of the Human; 1st Convocation Of Art Research; VII International Seminar on Amazonian Dramatization; 1st International Symposium on Inclusive Musical Education (SIMA); Workshop: The Ritual and Poetic Game of Elements - Robson Haderchpeck / June 20, 2017; PPGARTES / 2017 Academic Week; Round Table - Why Arts?; Launch of Arteriais printed magazine nº 01; VIII Biennial Forum of Research in Arts: Art How? Political Engagement or Aesthetic Function and the Fourth Day of Ethnomusicology. These events provided opportunities for several publications in annals.

In 2018, Belém will host the International Colloquium on Ethnocenology, to be held by PPGARTES-UFPA and the VIII International Seminar on Amazonian Dramatization, May / 2018.

PPGARTES maintains regular self-evaluation strategies, with emphasis on internal seminars held annually, where professor accreditation and adjustments in the curriculum proposal of the Program are discussed and deliberated (accreditation is a continuous flow).


Exchange of research groups - UFPA, UFMG and UFBA

Professors and students of the PPGArtes, through PROCAD-NF (CAPES) "Interfaces in Art: transitions without frontiers", carried out exchange of research groups between the associated institutions - UFPA, UFMG and UFBA. As results were published two articles together, 12 missions of researchers were carried out and six missions of master's studies of the PPGArtes are in progress.