Universidade do Estado do Pará - UEPA

University of Aveiro - Portugal

Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG




Type: Exchanges


Description of Activity

Cooperation Agreement with the University of Aveiro (Portugal). In 2013, inter-institutional cooperation was instituted between the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies of the University of Aveiro and the Post-Graduate Program in Arts of the Federal University of Pará. This agreement extends to the University of Minho. Through this agreement with the Universities of Aveiro and Minho, Program was invited to be part of COLLUM (International Network of Doctoral Training in Post-Colonial Studies), which provides for double titling between Associated Programs in Brazil, Portugal, France and Canada (acceptance of the invitation pending approval of our Doctorate). 

Institutions involved:

University of Aveiro, University of Minho and Federal University of Pará.


Type: Exchanges


Description of Activity

Participation in the Capes / CNPq Students-Postgraduate Agreement Program (PEC-PG) and in Program of Alliances for Education and Training (PAEC) of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (SG-OAS) and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB). For the group entering in 2014, two foreign students (one Colombian and one Mexican) were selected with CAPES scholarships.

Institutions involved:

CAPES, Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) and Federal University of Pará.


Type: Research Cooperation


Description of Activity

Researchers at PPGArts maintain or have maintained collaboration between research groups with the University of Florida, Demonfort University (England) and the University of Aveiro (Portugal). 

Institutions involved:

University of Florida, Demonfort University, University of Aveiro and Federal University of Pará.




Type: Technical Cooperation


Description of Activity

Since 2014, the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) has signed a technical cooperation agreement with the State University of Pará (UEPA), with the objective of carrying out common or collaborative actions in the field of teaching, research, extension and area of ​​Art / Music. The movements seek to favor bilateral initiatives for the development of art in the state of Pará, with the aim of enhancing regional artistic culture with the participation of the citizen.

Institutions involved:

University of the State of Pará and Federal University of Pará.


Type: Exchange


Description of Activity

Since 2010, PPGArts maintains association with the PPGArts of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (visual arts and performing arts) and with the PPGMúsica of the Federal University of Bahia by PROCAD-NF / CAPES. In addition to the technical-academic visits maintained by the professors of the institutions and the permanence of four months of master's degrees from the PPGArts / UFPA in the headquarters of partner programs. The exchange allowed three stages of post-doctorates and has generated joint publications, "Frontiers and otherness: looks at the arts in the contemporary world" (UFMG / UFPA, in press) and "Transit and frontiers in Music" (UFBA / UFPA, 2013).

Institutions involved:

Federal University of Minas Gerais, Federal University of Bahia and Federal University of Pará.


Type: Exchange


Description of Activity 

Biennial Forum of Research in Arts (FBPA): Since 2002, coordinated by the PPGArts / UFPA in cooperation with the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), University of the Amazon (UNAMA) and Institute of Advanced Studies of the Amazon (IESAM). National Scientific Event, with international guests.

Institutions involved:

University of the State of Pará, University of the Amazon, Institute of Higher Studies of the Amazon and Federal University of Pará.


Type: Exchange


Description of Activity

Since 2010, Program participates in the National Professor Training Plan (PARFOR) of CAPES, in degrees offered in municipalities in the interior of the State of Pará, together with the School of Music, the School of Theater and Dance and the Faculty of Visual Arts of ICA / UFPA,

Institutions involved:

CAPES, School of Music, School of Theater and Dance and Faculty of Visual Arts.